Viessmann product registration
To online registration
Topics at a glance
Product registration ensures that you always receive the most up-to-date and relevant services and support for the product you have purchased. You will also receive a system certificate documenting both your system details and proof of guarantee. When a service is required, you have everything quickly to hand, making the work of the heating contractor much easier. Another benefit of Viessmann product registration is the extended guarantee. With this, you can enjoy a guarantee of up to 10 years for some of the components in your heating system.
Benefits of product registration at a glance
- Registration automatically extends the guarantee and there's nothing further you need to do.
- The guarantee commences on the day of commissioning. This closes the gap that used to exist between delivery to the heating contractor and acceptance by you as the system owner.
- You and your heating contractor will receive a confirmation including location, serial numbers and guarantee periods.
- As a system owner, you will receive information about the latest products and services that are most relevant to you.

How does product registration work?
As mentioned above, there are two ways to register your newly purchased Viessmann product. You can either register yourself online or by post, or ask your heating contractor to do it on your behalf. The benefits of product registration can be enjoyed by both you as the system owner and by your heating contractor.
Register Viessmann product online
To register your product, you need the 13 to 16 digit serial number of your heating system and, if applicable, associated components. You can find this e.g. on the type plate of the heating system. It may also be noted on the invoice. If in doubt, simply ask your heating contractor for the serial number. In some cases, your heating contractor may have already registered you or connected the system via the internet. In that case, you will not need to enter the details a second time.
After successful registration, your guarantee will be automatically extended. You will receive confirmation in the form of a system certificate, which you will receive by email once registration has been completed. This way, all of your system details and your guarantee extension will be to hand in one single document. This can be an enormous relief, particularly when service work needs to be carried out.
Online registration step by step
- Have the serial number ready
- Register online with the details
- Automatic guarantee extension
- System certificate confirms the guarantee extension
- Receive the certificate as an email attachment and retain it
- Keep the document to hand for when a service is required
Product registration by your heating contractor
Your heating contractor also has the option of registering your heating system. He can do this via the Viessmann spare part app. The app can be accessed via:
- The Viessmann spare part app (for iOS or Android)
- Or via a web browser at
After entering the invoice, delivery note or serial number, your heating contractor needs to select the components installed in your system and then add the system location, after which it is fully registered. If the product is registered in this way, the guarantee period will commence on the day of commissioning, but no later than three months after delivery.
After successful registration, your heating contractor will receive the system certificate. As a system owner, you will receive an email confirming your registration. The guarantee for your heating system is extended from this point and you can print out and keep your personal system certificate.
Important: If the system has already been registered, the addition of further components and generation of the certificate can only be carried out by the system owner.
Register a Viessmann product by post
For registration by post, you also need the 13 to 16 digit serial number of your heating system and of the associated components. If this/these is/are available, download the relevant registration form. You can now fill in all mandatory fields and send the form, with sufficient postage, to:
Viessmann Deutschland GmbH
Viessmannstraße 1
35108 Allendorf (Eder)
Postal registration step by step
- Have the serial number ready
- Download the registration form
- Complete the form and send prepaid
- Automatic guarantee extension
- System certificate confirms the guarantee extension
- Receive the system certificate by post and retain it
- Keep the document to hand for when a service is required